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In preparing for my lessons today, I ran across a neat website: Diffen ( Have you ever wanted to compare two things and didn't really want to go through all the work of researching it? Let Diffen do it for you. It's a comparison search engine that's designed to compare any two things in the world.

For instance, if you want to compare a Ferrari to a Lamborghini, simply type in those two terms and it will do all the research for you. You can also add in your own search parameters.
There are a lot of difficult things about being a teacher, but perhaps the most frustrating aspect is staying organized. With almost 200 students and 9 classes every day, I have very little time to organize my papers. Before I know it, I am drowning in a sea of papers.

I have organizational system - filing cabinets, folders, binders, bins, etc. - but none of them seem to be truly effective. It's so difficult to find the time to sift through it all and put it in its correct location.

I wish I had a nice, easy solution to this problem, but I really don't. Any ideas?
OK, I need to settle this debate once and for all. There are hundreds of superheroes out there. Each superhero has something cool about him or her that makes them special. But, not all superheroes are created equal. Some are better than others. Vastly different. 

When it comes to superheroes, there isn't anyone who can beat Batman.
Batman is the man. He has no actual superpowers. He learned all his skills through dedication and practice. Sure, it helps that he's filthy rich, but he sure doesn't act like a rich guy. No polo for this tough warrior. Batman doesn't put up with anything. He's prepared for any situation and uses technology to solve problems. In fact, in terms of superheroes, Batman is as close to what a real-life superhero would be like.

There is only one superhero who can remotely compare to Batman, well, according to some people. These individuals believe Superman is better than Batman. Sure, he's Superman. He's super. He's got everything. He's stronger than steel. He's faster than a speeding train (a little outdated nowadays I think). He can stop bullets with his eyeball. He can fly. He has X-ray vision. Yes, he's quite the impressive superhero.
So why can't I like Superman? Simple: It seems like every villain he faces, beyond the bread and butter petty thug, kicks his butt. Seriously, if Superman is super, he shouldn't ever get bested. Superman has one fatal flaw: kryptonite, and somehow everyone in Metropolis has easy access to the stuff. What's up with that.

In my mind, a superhero that has everything going for him should be truly super.

Batman really has everything working against him in the world of superheroes, yet he makes it happen. The Dark Knight is the real deal.

We received news today that our students did very well on their TAKS tests and its looking like we'll be a Recognized Campus for the second year in a row.

How did you do on the TAKS test?
Found this site, which should be useful in developing previous and next buttons:
I can't believe it! My students rocked the test today, scoring higher on their 4th six weeks test than they ever have before. I'm way proud of them.
This is the first blog post I've done on Weebly. I'm justing testing out the capabilities of this bad-boy program. It's a sweet program as far as I can tell. It will be great for my students to learn how to make a website.